A Play For Coventry’s Hungry: How Does Theatre Help The Community?

Promotional image for Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol at the Albany Theatre, directed by Kevin Shaw. Scrooge, an older man in Victorian clothing, miserably standing outdoors with a candle.

Promotional image for A Christmas Carol at the Albany Theatre. Courtesy of Beth Mustard.

How does theatre help the community? From confidence building to entertaining the poorest in Coventry, theatre has something for everyone. Our reporter, Henry T Fox, finds out more.

Royalty-free background music is Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring by Kevin Macleod.

Henry T Fox

Henry T Fox is a journalist and producer from Ireland with a passion for reporting on politics, labour, and culture. Henry has bylines in CovFeed, the Coventry Telegraph, Brum Radio, Central Bylines, and Irish Tech News.


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